We are a small collective of anarchists and anti-authoritarians from the Midwest of the so-called United States.
We will catalog our thoughts, insights, and ideas here. We’ll will write as frequently as we can.
Hopefully we can find some common ground with others via this project. We want to connect with like-minded folks who want what we want or are at least sympathetic. Please contact us if you have inquiries for contributions, mutual aid projects, or community building opportunities. We would love to collaborate with you.
We want all for all. We want an end to all unnecessary hierarchies and relationships of coercion. We want our bodily autonomy and to recognize the autonomy of others. We want an end to hetero-cis-white-patriarchal-colonial capitalism. We want to share the love and for love to be shared. We want all oligarchs to remove their boots from our necks. We want the Internet we were promised, not the enshittified, second-rate shopping mall of trackers, ads, users, and abusers that we swim in now. We want our voices back. We want our loved ones to find their voices as well. We want everyone to know that there is no such thing as an illegal person and that everyone deserves food, clothes, clean water, shelter, comfort, love, joy, peace, and entertainment regardless of what they are perceived to contribute. We believe that authority must be justified. We don’t believe in borders. We don’t believe in the myths of the efficient neo-liberal market.
In short: We want anarchy.
But anarchy is a verb, a process, and an ongoing dance that must be taken up. You can dance the steps, even if you’ve forgotten them. However, anarchy will always be an ongoing process of negotiation and will never be a final resting state.
We believe that anyone who claims to have all the answers for liberation are likely full of shit or have some bullshit that they want to sell to you.